Sunday, October 07, 2007

A New Start for H&S

I had allowed to lay fallow this field for a couple of years. This blog is now being reborn with a more diverse audience in mind, oriented more towards the problems of the construction of memory from an international standpoint. I had found that as it was, it was a hopelessly limited concern with the situation in one given place in the world; an English-language blog on this theme, particularly with pressing problems worldwide, needs a different focus from the other blog I keep. Now it is my intention to begin discussing the eternally frustrating problem of preserving the past in a throwaway society like ours. I will introduce a cross-cultural perspective on this problem.

I know I don't stand much to gain because I plan to use "serious" content in a blogosphere filled with funny "YouTubes", bikinis, games and riddles, trivia, small talk, multimedias and other assorted distractions. I only hope that trekkers going through the sands of the Blogahara in search of intelligent oases don't find themselves disappointed when they go past my place.

The older posts will remain on the main page for awhile, later they will be archived. For now I greet all passionate preservationists to the new H&S!

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